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yVaults FAQ

yVaults ELI-5

Yearn Vaults are contracts on the Ethereum blockchain—and the layer2 networks that sit atop it. They allow you to deposit cryptocurrency tokens you own and earn interest on them. When you deposit, your tokens are combined with other depositors' tokens and directed toward interest earning opportunities. How and which opportunities are chosen depends on the Strategies used by the vault. You receive a receipt token (aka a Vault Token) that can be used to retrieve your original deposit plus any interest earned.

V1, V2, V3, Juiced... Whats the difference?

So many options! But don't worry, it isn't so complicated.

  • V3 are the newest vaults. They are probably your best bet unless you can't find what you are looking for.
  • V2 are older vaults, but are still used for Curve and Curve-based pools like Velodrome and Aerodrome.
  • V1 vaults are the OG and not supported so you shouldn't even see them anywhere. If you do, or if you need to access funds deposited during defi summer, hop in the discord and let us know. Someone there can help you out. Discord link is above under "Community".
  • Juiced Vaults are vaults built to use Ajna, which is a new lending and borrowing protocol. They have their own front-end and docs so check those out. One thing to be aware of is that since Ajna is a lending platform, you may not be able to withdraw funds immediately if there is high borrowing demand.

What is Gimme?

Gimme is a new, easy-to-use front-end focused on making Yearn super simple. It currently only supports Polygon, but will roll out other L2s soon. You can easily zap right into Yearn's single asset V3 vaults and start earning fast!